Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Macam mana nak bina badan macam Ryan Reynolds..

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gambar sebelum


gambar selepas 5 bulan membuat latihan dan program diet

program diet Ryan Reynold

1) makan lebih banyak hidangan sampingan

selain dr makan 3 x sehari, setiap 2-3 jam kena makan lagi hidangan yang ringkas2....supaya badan dibekalkan dengan tenaga /protein/karbo secara konsisten. tp jgn berlebihan..takit jd lemak plak.

2) sediakan makanan dirumah.

Reynolds masak sendiri dirumah.

3) tak makan nasi/karbohidrat lepas 8 malam
die makan byk karbo lepas bukan lepas pukul 8 lah.

4) amik Supplement
Reynolds amik creatine, L-glutamine, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), whey, dan multivitamin.

5) Diet Menu

  • sarapan: 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 cup of sugarless oatmeal, some “good” fat like a spoon of almond butter or slice of avocado.
  • minum pagi: protein bar
  • Lunch: albacore tuna wrap or chicken and salad
  • Mid-afternoon snack: protein bar, protein shake (whey and water) or apple and almonds
  • Dinner: broiled fish or chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and salad
  • Evening Snack: protein shake

So, as you see, lots of protein, but plenty of carbs, too.





jadual workout

1) buat perut dulu
dia 6pack yang cantik.ada yang ckp die buat implan. tp tak...perut ori.die buat sit up 500-1000 sehari.sbb perut paling susah nak terbentuk.


2) angkat beban yang berat untuk bina otot.
He lifted heavy weight to build the mass. Therefore, it is the typical 8 to 12 repetitions per set.

3) buat latihan 6x seminggu,sehari satu otot.
sehari main satu otot je.kalu xde keje leh la....





1 comment:

  1. His workout program and diet remind me of P90X. As for the 3rd from bottom photo... you can't beat dumbbells, they allow for such a large range of motion, and build up a lot of mass (providing you keep the number of reps under 10 that is).


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